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About Us - Alex Ledbrooke

I’m Alex Ledbrooke, and I started fishing when I was just four years old. I grew up on the coast where my fascination and love of the outdoors and all things fishy developed.  Over the years my fishing interests have grown and if it’s got fins I’ve probably tried to catch it.  I started sea fishing on the south coast of Devon on the sea walls at Dawlish.  I was soon tackling the Exeter Canal with a 3 meter fishing rod my parents bought me whilst on holiday in France.  That little rod caught literally thousands of fish!  I was fortunate to receive coaching when I was getting started and it was then that things really took off.

At 11 years old I joined a fishing Club near Exeter and was lucky to  be coached by some really experienced and enthusiastic guys.  My parents didn’t fish so any help was a bonus for all of us.  From there I learned about different species of fish and rather than just casting and hoping, I was able to refine my approach so I could target specific fish from different waters.

Over the years I’ve been very forunate and caught some truly memorable fish in some incredible places.  I’ve also met some of my best friends through fishing.

Fishing in Cornwall is more than just catching fish, I simply love being outdoors.  Just being on the bank I’ve been lucky to witness some of the very best the British countryside.  And being outside means I’ve experienced some awesome weather.  There’s no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes.  I get huge satisfaction from a successful catch but just as much I love to see others be successful following my coaching.  I hope I can share some of that with you at one of my fishing lessons in Cornwall.


Alex Ledbrooke - Fishing Biography

  • Experience – Fishing since 1987 in freshwater, sea and game fishing
  • Qualifications – Angling Trust Level 2 Coach, Post Graduate Certificate in Education, BSc Hons Envornmental Resource Management
  • Favourite Fishing Destination – Redmire Pool
  • Biggest ever fish – A Blue Fin Tuna, about twice the size of me!

Fishing Life

  • First fish – A Gar Fish caught age 4 from Dawlish seawall in South Devon.
  • First competition – Devon Schools competition.  11 years old, 120 kids and I won!
  • Fishing Heros – Chris Yates, a former British record holder, fantasic English eccentric and also my favourite author.
  • Most memorable catch – Too many to pick a favourite!  Battling a huge Cat Fish one night is up there as is the first Blue Shark I caught from my 14ft boat.
  • Proud moment – Aside from getting married and becoming a Dad, an article published in the international magazine Carp World was pretty cool.  I do love watching my kids grow up and enjoy fishing with me.
  • Scariest moment when fishing – Out on the boat with a mate and getting hit by a Minki Whale.  If I hadn’t been there, I wouldn’t have belived it!
  • Funniest moment – Definitely catching a shoe!  You couldn’t make it up, I had quite an audience too.
  • Weirdest moment – Can I say the shoe again?
  • Ambitions still to acheive – So many!  Catch a really big Bass, a bigger boat, my own lake, and to encourage more young people and women into this wonderful sport.

Fishing Tips and News

Make the most of those really special mornings

I have had some success if your measure of success is catching fish but honestly, when the mornings are as beautiful as they have been, I pack up at 6:55am and head for work just as happy (well, nearly as happy) as I would if I had caught. 

The wheels nearly came off!

The wheels nearly came off! No damage to the boat or the car but the trailer axle is confirmed to be f#cked! So that’s now say waiting for a part with a lead-time of around six weeks. The bank balance is also in for a nasty shock. The joy of boats!


The morning was a perfect balance of instruction and personal involvement

I attended the School of Fish course entitled “Get back into angling – predator fishing” last Saturday morning at Porth reservoir.

I have to say that rarely has three hours passed so quickly and it is not often that I have found an instructor, in any field, so competent, succinct and amusing as Alex.

The morning was a perfect balance of instruction and personal involvement and I am already arranging to attend further courses with my son in law, who was so enthused by my description on the mornings proceedings that he wishes to become involved.

Many thanks Alex


AIM Award Qualification for young Samuel

A few memories of a job very well done! Samuel has now completed his Aim Award qualification, in ‘Angling & the Environment’. It has been a fantastic course, including environmental matters, biology, science, the water cycle, pollution, habitat management, fish species, conservation and more – plus some fantastic fishing skills….A massive Thank you to Dean Asplin and The Angling Trust who have sponsored Samuel to do the course and have backed his pathway into the Angling Industry.
Also, a huge thank you to ‘The School of Fish’ coach, Alex Ledbrooke, who has not only coached and guided Samuel throughout the course, but who has given both Samuel and I, a deeper insight into the wonderful world of angling and the environment….Amazing!

They had a fantastic day on the lake with Alex!

I booked a carp fishing lesson for my partner and brother in laws, who all tell me they had a fantastic day on the lake with Alex! They went over to Newquay on Sunday and along with picking up new skills throughout the day, they had multiple catches between them. Alex is not only knowledgeable and passionate about what he does, but a super nice guy as well – we’ll be highly recommending to anyone looking to improve skills or take up fishing as a hobby! Thanks again!


Could not recommend his lessons more highly

Having recently been disabled not only has my mobility suffered greatly but my confidence had taken a huge knock also. My hobby of sea fishing had to end and I hoped to find a way to return to freshwater fishing. I found by chance the pike fishing lesson with Alex and signed up hoping for a little guidance. Never mind ‘guidance’, Alex thoroughly covered all aspects each of the fishing methods with his knowledge,considerate attitude to both venue and fish handling. Alex took extra care and put forward options for me to help overcome any difficulties posed my health and I am now ready to take up fishing once again thanks to Alex. Could not recommend his lessons more highly. Martin


Any questions?

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