Finally afloat!

The School Of Fish - Blue Shark in Cornwall

As is often the case with shark fishing, when they arrive, it’s like flicking a switch. One minute you’re falling asleep, the next there’s sharks everywhere and the reels are screaming.

The wheels nearly came off!

The School of Fish - A good one off the top

The wheels nearly came off! No damage to the boat or the car but the trailer axle is confirmed to be f#cked! So that’s now say waiting for a part with a lead-time of around six weeks. The bank balance is also in for a nasty shock. The joy of boats!

Where’s my fishing head at?

The School of Fish Common Carp

The sunshine has come at the right time. Time to get back on it and get my fishing head on. It’s the time of year when the dawn chorus is amazing, the trees and flowers are coming to life and it’s just good to be outside. Blink and it’s gone. The lightest day of the year will be here and it sounds crazy but, the nights start drawing in and there’s a feeling of, damn, I missed it! I don’t want to miss it!

Wet, Wet, Wet!

A handful of Roach

We were sooo lucky with the weather.  In the sun, out the wind and it felt, dare I say it, warm!  It was lovely to welcome back familiar faces and some new ones too.

F### it’s February

Cold, dark, winter, night fishing for Mullet

for a brief moment I thought a Hollywood style wave was about to wash me from my spot! I scrambled up the bank to see what was happening. The storms drain we’re running at full bore and whilst it wasn’t exactly the tsunami I pictured in my head, the fishing spot was definitely f#cked.

Flying through January

Grayling fishing with The School of Fish

For the first time in years, despite being what normally feels like a really long, January has flown by. It’s been a real mix of weather that’s meant the fishing has been really varied and it’s had a little bit of everything.

Reflections and Momentum

The School of Fish - Rhodos in bloom and a crucian carp

Looking back, like you do at the end of a year, 2023 has been a lot of fun. The fishing lessons saw loads of people catching their first fish and in my own time I’ve enjoyed a variety of fishing with a few really good fish along the way. I’ve learnt a few new things which I’ll carry into 2024 and as usual there’s a few more new things I’ve pencilled in that I’d like to try.